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How to close a sale

The art of the deal is what business is all about. If you want to close sales, you need to understand the sales cycle, have a supportive sales team behind you, and have mastered your overall marketing strategy and sales closing techniques. In this article, we explore the nuances that…
L'appel à froid fonctionne
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Does cold calling still work?

If you own a business and are looking for new ways to generate leads, chances are that you have looked into cold calling. Many businesses leverage cold calling in order to make contact with new clients and generate sales. Although it’s an effective method, with 82% of buyers saying they…
Combien coûte l'externalisation du marketing
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How much does it cost to outsource marketing?

How much does outsourcing marketing really cost? Is it worth it? Outsourcing marketing has become extremely popular over the last decade. Companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, Uber, Airbnb, etc., have successfully outsourced their marketing departments to third party agencies.  Outsourcing marketing is becoming a trend because companies realize that…
Pourquoi externaliser le marketing
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Why outsource your marketing?

When it comes to marketing, small businesses often feel overwhelmed. There are just so many things to do, and it can be hard to know where to start. That's where outsourcing comes in. This means hiring someone else to do some or all of your marketing for you, whether it's…
Externaliser les services d'acquisition
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The Benefits of Hiring a Customer Acquisition Service

Are you looking for ways to improve your customer acquisition services? If yes, then hiring a customer acquisition service provider (CASP) might be exactly what you need. There are several benefits associated with using CASPs such as increased conversion rates, improved user experience, and lower costs.  The term CASP refers…
Acquisition de clients par la télévente
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How to boost customer acquisition through telesales?

Are you looking to increase sales or improve customer retention? If so, then you should consider using telemarketing services. Telesales is a great way to reach out to potential customers and close deals. Telesales is a term used to describe a range of techniques designed to persuade someone to purchase…
Combien coûte l'externalisation d'un centre d'appels
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How Much Does it Cost to Outsource a Call Center?

Call centers play a vital role in supporting businesses around the world. In fact, according to the World Bank, the global market for call center outsourcing reached $63 billion in 2018. In addition to saving money, outsourcing call centers can help companies improve efficiency and increase productivity. This allows them…
Acquisition de clients
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What is customer acquisition?

Every firm depends on its customers. It’s therefore important to develop a plan to consistently attract new clients. However, the cost of customer acquisition has increased by 50% over the previous five years. A key area of concern is the lack of a clear plan, on the part of many…
Stratégies de marketing modernes
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7 Modern Marketing Strategies That Work

The fluid nature of the marketing world has been particularly obvious over the past 10 to 20 years thanks to the expansion of the Internet into the forefront of our lives. With all the new trends that are constantly transforming the way we market our businesses, it can be hard…
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How to grow my small business

When you’re a growing company, you know how important it is to boost sales and increase revenue quickly. For small business entrepreneurs, there isn't a simple, universal plan for business expansion. However, there are important tactics that you can follow in order to expand.   What is the Fastest Way…

Telemarketing on a human scale!

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